Monday, June 29, 2009

Back in Addis

After a heartbreaking, joyful, amazing adventure into the heart of Ethiopia we are back in Addis.

We will talk more about our trip to Durame when we get home. Just thinking about the things we saw there makes tears well up in our eyes. A day unlike anything I have ever experienced. Everyone on the trip had a true shift in thinking about the fatherless among us. I will tell you that the people are unlike anyone I have ever met they have a true sense of community and love that is unlike anything I have ever experienced.

We head today to the American embassy to have a meeting to get Millennium passport to the USA! We will attempt to post pictures of Millennium tonight. She has really taken to having parents. She was building legos yesterday with her Daddy saying "daddy"..."daddy"!!! She also is just a laugh a minute cracking herself up every chance she gets.

A quick prayer request Magan is coming down with a throat infection of some sort. Both of us our holding up okay but we are just emotionally worn out and overwhelmed.

Thanks for checking the post and I can tell you the pictures we have and video are amazing. We cannot wait to post them.

-One Love


Grandma and Grandpa Byrd said...

We couldn't be more excited for you three! I am glad that you have been safe and that Milli is adjusting so well.
If you can give us an idea of her height and weight, other words that she is saying...
-love, Gma and Gpa Byrd

Anonymous said...

You guys are in my thoughts every day. I hope Magan is feeling better. Cannot wait to hear about your journey to the village. - Lisa