Saturday, July 4, 2009


Flying over the cascades into Portland was a surreal feeling. Millennium was amazing on the plane she cried maybe two times for about 4 minutes. 24 hours on our journey was very peaceful. With Mom and Dad feeling better and getting a few minutes of rest. Millennium stayed awake when we got home and slept through the night about 10 hours in her crib.

We will miss the people of Ethiopia very much. It was really sad to say goodbye to all the wonderful people we met while traveling. The hospitality of Ethiopia is something that is hard to describe, by the end of the trip you feel as if you have known people for years.

Stay tuned we will write up something for each day in Ethiopia just to make sure we can have a record of everything for Millennium when she grows up.



Bethany said...

Congratulations and welcome home. Millenium is beautiful. It's wonderful that she was such a great traveller for you! It was nice keeping up with your blog while you were in Ethiopia, and can't wait to read more about your trip.

Kristin Harris said...

So glad your trip went well! She is beautiful!

Jennifer said...

So amazing!!!! I love keeping up with you this way!!! Maybe one day we can meet in person!

Blessings to all of you!!!


Anonymous said...


Love and blessings. You are loved.
