Sunday, July 5, 2009

Addis - Day 1 - June 25th

Arriving in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia under the cover of darkness you know your in Africa. The smell is something that if you breath deep you can still smell. It is the smell of campfire, diesel fumes, and a tinge of frankincense.

After waiting in an hour line to get Visa paperwork taken care of to enter the country we step out into our daughters homeland. Looking out over the area you can tell immediately that something is not right with the city, power right now is rare in Addis. The town is pitch black, 4.6 million people living under the cover of darkness. The hydropower plants that power the cities of Ethiopia have been shut off to conserve water. The rain season has not arrived yet for the year which is quickly turning into a crisis situation for the people of this region.

We were expected to hotel at a place next door to the Holt care center, instead tired and jet lagged we were dropped at a hotel that was very unexpected. This turned out to be blessing as the hotel had power, cable, wireless internet, and an amazing staff.

We check in, drop off our bags and attempt to sleep knowing our little one is in the same city as us.

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